Monday, September 19, 2011

What's New?

New projects include figure in landscape, a new small portrait exercise, and at least one more painting of a subject matter that I have not figured out just yet-also a  foot study (done!) and a largish charcoal drawing that includes the figure with implied movement.   Here is the progress so far...

Figure in Landscape

I have begun with a drawing in graphite which I then fixed.  Here is a tip-after I fix the painting I put a layer of very thin gesso over the drawing so that when the paint is applied the drawing is no longer evident.  This is how I approach a painting for now-other people draw directly with paint which I lack the confidence to do -especially with deadlines (excuses, excuses, right?).    

Foot Study

Drawing down and dirty- I really enjoy drawing with charcoal when it is allowed to be messy charcoal-I am looking forward to the figure w/implied movement for just this reason. 

You can see more work by more students at the NMSU figure drawing IV Blog

As Promised

Here are the finished exercises for the warm and cool skin tones, they are painted much more loosely than I have painted in the past, something that I am experimenting with-I am glad to have an instructor who is open to this approach.

This is the painting that was not included in the warm/cool excercise but was part of the first critique...

Someone suggested that it was reminiscent of Andrew Wyeth-which is a nice compliment.