Monday, September 19, 2011

What's New?

New projects include figure in landscape, a new small portrait exercise, and at least one more painting of a subject matter that I have not figured out just yet-also a  foot study (done!) and a largish charcoal drawing that includes the figure with implied movement.   Here is the progress so far...

Figure in Landscape

I have begun with a drawing in graphite which I then fixed.  Here is a tip-after I fix the painting I put a layer of very thin gesso over the drawing so that when the paint is applied the drawing is no longer evident.  This is how I approach a painting for now-other people draw directly with paint which I lack the confidence to do -especially with deadlines (excuses, excuses, right?).    

Foot Study

Drawing down and dirty- I really enjoy drawing with charcoal when it is allowed to be messy charcoal-I am looking forward to the figure w/implied movement for just this reason. 

You can see more work by more students at the NMSU figure drawing IV Blog

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